Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Keeping an Eye on the Back Bay

My friend, fellow community organizer, and all around good guy Josh Dawson has a personal blog up and running. It's called "Boston Cordon Bleu," and for his first post, Josh talks about dog owning and-- separately-- the need for people to take off the iPod headphones and breathe in life.

Josh lives in the next neighborhood over from me, which is called the "Back Bay." He also has the distinction of being an elected party official, and I am one of his constituents. As an elected member of the Massachusetts Democratic State Committee, Josh is responsible for representing the interests of Democrats in his district, serving as a conduit between the State party and local Democrats, and helping to get Democrats elected. Josh and I also serve on Boston's Ward 5 Democratic Committee together.

If you like what you read here (and at least six of you do), you will like Josh's blog as well. Happy reading!

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