Sunday, August 29, 2010
Endorsement: Sonia Chang-Diaz

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
What's the Problem? Look in the Mirror
We want it all, but we don't want to do anything for it.
The government is too big and wastes too much money, yet we complain when the government doesn't have the resources to get things done.
We don't want our taxes to go up... ever. But if anyone thinks about taking away social security, we let them have it.
We want better paying jobs, but we're not willing to learn the skills to deserve them.
We care about the environment, as long as doing so doesn't cost anything.
We don't like to admit we're wrong.
When someone says something we like, we believe it even when it's not true.
Then again, we don't question what we hear anyway. Nearly one in five Americans say President Obama is a Muslim; a majority of those people say the media told them so. [President Obama is not a Muslim; he's a Christian.]
We like things presented in black and white; we don't make the effort to understand the colors in-between. One is either with us or against us; you are either right or wrong.
We care about here and now and here and now only. We are completely neglecting long-term challenges; we are passing a debt written, environmentally filthy society on to those that will follow us.
With this type of mindset, it's no wonder politicians can't do anything right. It's no wonder it's so easy to pick on anyone who's driving an agenda.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A Half Marathon Takes A Long Time
Watching someone in an event like an Ironman or a marathon takes a long time. It takes patience, careful planning, and a little bit of luck. Along with Annmarie's roommate Kim, we have it down to a science. In Panama City, Kim and I went for two swims (one in the ocean, one in the hotel pool), had lunch, watched an entire college football game, and took at least one nap---all while Annmarie was completing just the bike portion of the Ironman.
Earlier this year, I was the one watched during a long race. It wasn't an Ironman, but I did complete the Run to Remember half-marathon in late May. Annmarie, Kim and my parents came out to watch.
Even a half-marathon can take a long time, especially if you are a spectator. My parents decided, for the sport of it, to take photos of everything they did while I was running. Here's my favorite:
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Two Weeks, Two Candidate Meet and Greets
First, this Tuesday, Mac D'Alessandro, candidate for Congress, is on Beacon Hill. Below is the official invite. The event is on Tuesday, August 17, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the home of Hilary and Rajan Nanda, 25 Garden Street, on Beacon Hill.
Second, State Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz, who is running for re-election, is attending a rooftop Beacon Hill event on Thursday, August 26. From 7 to 9 p.m., the event as on the roof of 21 Beacon Street (right next to the State House). Below is the official invite for that event.