A discussion of my life, including Beacon Hill and Boston politics, my family and friends, and my impressions of the world
With Mass. Democratic Party Chairman John Walsh
Coors Field, Denver, Colorado
Early Morning, August 29, 2008
Yesterday, I attended the Hillary event, and then was able to secure a credential for the Pepsi Center and the evening program. My seat was a tad better than the night before (as you can tell from the pictures). Nikko let me go down into the Massachusetts delegation area for a bit to look around (that's where I took the picture above).
Bill Clinton's speech was, as one would expect, perfect, but Senator Kerry was the surprise of the night. His speech was funny and was on message in terms of countering John McCain.
Rumors abound about who is performing ahead of tonight's speech. I had heard The Boss (Bruce Springfield), but apparently he is in Boston right now moving his son into college. Bon Jovi? Sheryl Crow? We're only hours away. Even I recognize those names are, in fact, celebrities.
More photos coming soon...
Nikko casting her delegate vote for Hillary Clinton on August 27, 2008.
Mark, Jack and Frank (in Mark's arms) at Monument Park
Yankee Stadium
August 16, 2008
Jack also told me he had the best hot dog ever at the stadium. Granted, I have yet to buy him a Fenway Frank. Maybe next year.
I have been traveling quite a bit this year, and I can relate to my dad. Yesterday, I got back from a two-day trip to San Francisco for work. San Francisco is a great city; one of my favorites. But I didn't get to see it. When you travel for work, you really don't sight see. Walking to my company's west coast office early Friday morning, I forced myself to stop in Union Square for a minute or two just to look around.
Here's what I saw for the majority of my trip:
July 31, 2008
Jetblue Flight 475 (Boston to Oakland)
August 1, 2008
San Francisco office desk (595 Market Street)
The two images above pretty much summarize my trip. (I probably should also include a picture of the inside of a taxicab.) I will say that this time, one of my west coast co-workers invited me to his house ahead of my redeye flight back to Boston and we had some BBQ outside, which was nice. But there is no touring or visiting of wine country on my trips west.
By the way, Jetblue told the passengers on the way back from Oakland that they are about to charge for pillows and blankets on its flights. Thankfully, the airline has not started charging for the first bagged checked (though I am sure that will change eventually).