Last weekend, I went with Nikko and Elizabeth to an all-you-can eat Sushi place in Framingham. Right out of a Seinfeld episode-- three friends who live in a city taking a trip out to the suburbs to capitalize on an all you can eat deal. The results were impressive; I ate 50 pieces of sushi, flat. Among the three of us, we polished off near 100 pieces. And that's not counting the dumplings, crepes, and shrimp. Not sure if they want us back there.
Anyway, I took many, many pictures at Brett's wedding, but below our my personal favorites, with commentary attached, of course...

I decided to take the week before the wedding and spend some time with Brett and Holly. I drove them to TF Green airport in Providence, where we promptly learned that our flight was overbooked. Not really having anything to do, we decided to take the free U.S. air ticket and start drinking. Our first stop was some random airport bar, and then we went to TGI Fridays.

We quickly befriended most of the waitstaff. Now, the airport is in Warwick, Rhode Island, which is probably a very good representation of this country. Our waittress (hint: she's the one in the red shirt with the ID badge) has a kid and a great boyfriend, and she is working at the airport bar because she makes good money and her schedule is flexible enough so she can take care of her kids. Her sister works at the same restaurant.
This picture is important for another reason. Look at the green thing I am holding in my right hand. Anyone have any clue what the h*** that is? It was one of Holly's shower gifts. We had fun asking other people if they knew what is was. Almost everyone in Rhode Island thought it was a sex toy...

Probably my favorite picture of the trip. Taken at a bar called TOOMBS right next to the Georgetown campus in Washington. Basically, it's me (the only one with a hat on), Brett's college friends, and Brett's soon to be brothers in law, Jennings and Jim (they are behind me, over my right shoulder).
Toombs is cool. It was cooler because Gerard (the guy all the way to the left in this picture) was a bartender there, so he knew everyone.
This is the "calm-before-the-storm" picture. There's that point, I think, before every wedding, when everythign is planned and all you really can do is sit on big couches, eat pizza, and watch college basketball. Here, that is pretty much the agenda, at Brett's house in Clarendon, Virginia. We are waiting for the limo to take us to the wedding site.
The wedding was a lot of fun. I am so proud of Brett, and I am very happy about my new family in the great state of Texas. Wouldn't Lincoln be proud. The marriage of two families-- one could not be more Yankee; the other could not be more... well.. Texas. And yet we all get along.
That's it for now. Thanks for your patience... One final announcement: It looks like I will be in Vegas twice this summer. One trip with Mr. Paul McNeeley and friends, and the other with my roommate on his bachelor party... Imagine the possibilities.