Sunday, August 16, 2009

When My Air Conditioner is on, it's Hot

It's gotta be pretty hot for me to turn on my air conditioner. It's something I learned from my dad, who is also a parsimonious air condition user. Most of our cars growing up did not have the a/c.

My logic, which I admit is masochistic, comes from temperature patterns during the evening. The hottest part of the evening is, logically, at the beginning, which just happens to be the time we all go to bed. At that point, the air conditioners in downtown Boston are humming.

During the night, as the air cools, the fan in my bedroom begins to circulate comfortable air. And the air conditioners continue to hum.

In the morning, when I wake up, I often have a sheet or thin blanket on me. The day has begun, and the air is at its coolest. And still the air conditioners hum.

I would bet that the temperature in my room those mornings is cooler than in the air-conditioned rooms. People seem to forget that the air conditioner controls the temperature inside regardless of the temperature outside.

I do admit, however, that sometimes in the summer, the air conditioner works well. When it's oppressively sticky, and when the temperature is warm enough during consecutive days that not enough cooling happens overnight, and the exposed bricks inside my living room stay warm. This generally happens during a heat wave.

We're starting our first official heat wave of the summer in Boston, and my air conditioner went on this morning at 10:36 a.m. for the first time this year. The thermometer inside was 84 degrees.

But the a/c is only on in my bedroom. My dad would be proud of that.


ben said...

A mayor runnnig for office showing up at a campaing event at the BHCA offices shouldn't be considered notable. And I never hear criticism regarding his lack of visibility in any neighborhood (pretty simplistic if someone prioritizes that issue). The reason that the residents of Boston should retire Tom Menino is that he is a relic who is not equipped to lead Boston into the next generation. With your grasp of the modern world through technology I'm surprised you don't recognize his tremendous weakness when it comes to modern day public policy. He has a remarkably weak understanding of how business (particularly real estate development) works. Spend an hour with Mike Ross of Sam Yoon discussing the future and see how Menino is a disaster for our city as we race forward in time.

Anonymous said...

I would bet that the temperature in your room those mornings is cooler than in the air-conditioned rooms. People seem to forget that the air conditioner controls the temperature inside regardless of the temperature outside.

Brooklyn AC units

John V. Bowers said...

I think you have a broken air conditioners. This has the same situation with me before. When I turned my air condition on it will give hot temperature.