Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Campaign Without Momentum

I have been talking to a lot of people lately about how the current Democratic primary race has shown no momentum for either side. I usually say this in the context of the way the media is covering the race.

I usually tell the story this way: If you had predicted, based on the way certain demographics voted on February 5th (Super Tuesday), the way things would have unfolded in this race, you would have said:
  • Clinton loses the 11 contests between Super Tuesday and the primaries in Ohio and Texas.
  • Clinton wins Rhode Island, Texas and Ohio but loses Vermont.
  • Obama wins Wyoming and Mississippi.

Given this is exactly what has happened, how can anyone say that either side has momentum?

Dan Kennedy wrote a much more eloquent entry on this point, which is worth a read.

By the way, for further evidence of the lack of momentum in this campaign, look at when voters in Mississippi made up their minds. Way more than half of them said they made their choice more than a month ago. How does that support the claim of momentum for Obama the media is talking about this morning? (I heard the "momentum" word on WTKK during the drive to work.)

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